Friday, September 2, 2011


This term we are learning about 'time' and 'money' for our maths strand.  On a Friday we do different activities to do with these topics.

Today we were using the clocks to make 'o'clock' and 'half past' times, then we played a game where some of us were the numbers and some of us were the hands.  We had lots of fun!!

At home you could look at the clock with your child, they might even be able to tell you what time it is!

Will and Adheesh make 4 o'clock 
Lesleigh and Courtney are making 11 o'clock 
Simran and Aidan make 4.30.  

1 comment:

  1. Ms Macdonald,wow this stuffs are cool i wish we can do it again,they are fun. from ya-wen
