Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yay, Miss Macdonald is at home in Masterton and it is SNOWING! It doesn't snow here often, but I am so excited so I took some photos for you to see!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Colourwheel Flowers

Last week for Art we talked about the primary colours- red, yellow and blue.  We used these colours to make the secondary colours-green, purple and orange! We then used the paper that we had painted to make these beautiful flowers...

Aren't we clever?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

Today we had an assembly to celebrate Maori Language week.  Over the last few weeks we have been learning our Mihi and practicing some Maori waiata.  It was so much fun!

Aren't we fabulous!?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independent thinking in Room 9

We are independent thinkers here in Room 9.  We do independence thinking tasks, these are great because it gives us a chance to be creative and develop our thinking skills.

Independent thinkers in Room 9...

  • Ask questions to clarify their thinking;
  • Focus and complete a task;
  • Use a variety of strategies to solve a problem;
  • Seek advice;
  • Reflect on their learning and life!
Last week we were given a piece of paper, sellotape and scissors and we had to make the LONGEST piece of paper that we could!

Check out how long some of them are!

 Jaspreet organising her ideas 
 William sticking his paper together
Andrea cutting so she can start
 Lesleigh in the process
Well done to Jasmeen, the winner! It was too long to even fit in the photo.