Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Goblin's Tale

On Monday of Week 8 we got some special visitors to Hillpark School and they did a show for us. The show was called A Goblin's Tale, it was really funny, and it gave us some ideas about what to do if we are being bullied!

We wrote some stories about the play, read them to find out more!

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I like the bit when the knight didn't want to be a knight.
By Bradley

I like the Goblin's Tale and the princess and the boy.
By Phillip

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I liked it when the knight flipped over and I liked the knight's dress. It was silver. The Goblin's Tale was cool, I saw the horse and the dragon.
By Garry

I am at the Goblin's Tale. It was a bit scary but is was fun and I liked it.
By Lucas

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I like the princess and I liked her dress and it was a sunny day.
By Brooklyn

I was at the Goblin's Tale show. The dragon had lights for eyes.
By Ethan B

I am watching the Goblin's Tale. It is cool. The dragon is breathing smoke.
By Liam

I am watching the Goblin's Tale. I love the dragon. It was freaky.
By Ethan Sio

I am at a Goblin's Tale and I liked the goblin.
By Rushil

We went to the Goblin's Tale. I liked the princess and she was beautiful. I liked the man, and the goblin.
By Ravneet

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I was scared. The dragon was fiery. The goblin was smelly and yucky.
By Aryan

I am at the Goblin's Tale. The dragon went in and out.
By Sam

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I liked the princess because she wore a nice dress. It was fun. The goblin tried to get out from the box.
By Puneet

I am at the Goblin's Tale. I like the show and I like the princess.
By Saleha

I am at watching the Goblin's Tale. I like the part when the man jumped onto the couch.
By Joshua

I went to the Goblin's Tale and I liked the bit when the knight fell off the stage.
By Tahlia

I am at the Goblin's Tale and I watched the horse go up.
By Kauri

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We are independent thinkers!

Every week in Room 9 we do an independent thinking task. These are great because it gives us a chance to be creative and develop our thinking skills.
Independent thinkers in Room 9...
  • Ask questions to clarify their thinking;

  • Focus and complete a task;

  • Use a variety of strategies to solve a problem;

  • Seek advice;

  • Reflect on their learning and life!
Last week we were given a piece of paper, sellotape and scissors and we had to make the LONGEST piece of paper that we could!

Check out how long some of them are!